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We provide a full range of services to assist Agencies having jurisdiction over search and rescue operations, to include: Virtual Search Planning, Mapping using SARTOPO,  Incident Action Plan development, and Full-Spectrum Analysis of missing subjects. We are also actively engaged with jurisdictions to build "Land Search and Rescue Technician /Leader programs using the FEMA National Standards for this type and class of resource.


We perform SAR post-incident analysis to evaluate operational facts and process in current and historic search operations. These services are performed without cost or obligation to the Agency Having Jurisdiction (AHJ).


Virtual Search, LLC completed the Land Search and Rescue Technician Instructor Training for the Jacksonville, FL Fire Department and their continued development of MEPSAR (Missing and Endangered Person Search and Rescue). We have run multiple VSP training courses and have broadened our course offerings with a course on the use of SARTopo for mapping applications. We have also spent time in development with programs in Washington, Mississippi, Nevada, Arkansas, and Alaska to refine their SAR Programs.

 We continue to fine tune every aspect of our process to ensure the information provided is current, accurate, and actionable to search resources and Incident Command Staff.


Our services have been used by the states of Alaska, Washington, Nevada, Mississippi, Arkansas, Florida, and Michigan, as well as requested for searches in Australia, Egypt, and Canada. All VSP Services are being produced and distributed by trained VSP Analysts for searches throughout the US, and around the world. As knowledge of our process spreads, so does our user base.



The Virtual Search Process was developed by a retired Alaska State Trooper, Paul M Burke. With over fifty years of search and rescue experience at all levels of SAR Operations, Mr. Burke has been able to look at a wide  variety  of search operations from many positions .


As an instructor in Search Management, and as a continuing Practitioner in the science of finding lost subjects, Mr. Burke has developed one of the most significant methodologies for understanding and processing the complexities of search operations and those who become lost. By utilizing a  broad base of information and harnessing the power of the internet, Mr. Burke has taken the understanding of the Lost Person from an elementary drawing to  a full color, high-definition picture of the  missing. This image, with all of its  depth, breadth, and  definition, is then put through an algorithm with human VSP Analysts trained to understand the subject within the environment under which they became lost.


As a result, SAR Resources at the outset of any search  are provided with the most intricate and accurate picture of the lost subject and their environment in our experience. This process, when fully utilized , has historically achieved greater than 83-85% probability that the subject will be found in the operational period in which it is used. While there is no guarantee of similar results in the next case we conduct a VSP in, we are confident in giving search managers and SAR resources a picture like no other, and the possibility of achieving results they have never had in the past. 

Developed over ten years, VSP process and the applied science behind it are being constantly evaluated and improved.  Analysts are continually being developed throughout the SAR community and  the process of Virtual Search Planning has revived  search operations. Now, the lost have a much higher opportunity to be located and brought home, simply because we have a better understanding of where they are.

All of the men and women who contribute to this process do so without cost to the Agency Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) that requests this service. It is simply about using the gifts one has been given and the heart to find the lost. How they make a living is a broad subject, but VSP is how they make a life worth living.


Virtual Search, LLC​

11741 West Rose Lake St.

Star, ID 83669

1-866-VSP FIND  (877-3463)

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© 2022 Paul M Burke and Virtual Search, LLC   All Rights Reserved

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